I presented work about the syntax people use to describe distance in spatial sound, at the AES conference held at York in March, which was AMAZING. York’s team worked hard to ensure the event was gender diverse and explicitly championed this and inclusivity, in advance of, and during the event. They also ensured that panels, keynotes and chairs were gender balanced. This is MASSIVE for an audio event. Sad, but not as sad as the realisation that an event organiser is not aware of gender diversity and inclusivity. Which STILL happens (“problem, what problem?”) and is still upheld with backwards-thinking in real-world and online interactions. The backwards thinking invariably involves words or phrases such as ‘mertitocracy’ or ‘..just not interested’.
Anyway, back to the event organisers here, who knew what to do (they care enough to know) and acted upon it, even having preferred pronoun stickers available for delegates. Amazing.
I also managed to get my HRTFs measured using an innovative system which makes it quick. Which is revolutionary. Unfortunately, I think I moved during measurement and am not sure my measurements are great. Besides, I have now twice A-B’d my HRTFs with someone else’s, and on both occasions preferred the ones that weren’t mine, go figure.
I participated in the panel ‘Bridging the gap: Exploiting the potential of sensor technologies for immersive audio experiences’ alongside Owen Brimijoin, of Facebook Reality Labs, Annika Neidhardt, of TU Ilmenau, Ishwarya Ananthabhotla of MIT, and Tapio Lokki, of Aalto University. It was a very diverse panel, though we reached consensus on most of the issues raised.